Monday, August 6, 2012

32 Weeks: I've Officially Hit My Limit

Spencer had a wonderful 1st birthday party thanks to family, friends, and especially my parents, who did FAR more than they should've had to. But I'm going to save the shin-dig details for tomorrow because my body ACHES and my brain has taken a similar beating. I knew the minute I woke up yesterday that I had pushed myself too hard over the weekend and back is locked, my legs ache, my feet are swollen, and my mind is just spent.

But my baby boy was celebrated and happy. Top priority.

7 weeks OR 1 month 2 weekS and 4 days OR 49 days until I am the mother of 2 wonderful sons. I really can't wait and not just because my body is exhausted. That's just what happens when you're pregnant for 20 out of 24 months. I just want to meet him. I want him to meet Spencer. I'm ready for our family to be complete. And of course, I just want to know that he's healthy. I won't really be able to relax until his pediatrician comes and gives the thumbs up. I'll love him no matter what. I love him now. I'm just ready for him to be here. But he's not ready, and that's OK.

He's about 4 pounds and gaining, but I'm no longer gaining amniotic fluid. At the max! He's able to differentiate between night and day and is acting more and more like the baby he'll be on the outside. His hair is growing and gaining color, his circulation is improving and he's regulating temperature as he gets chubbier, and his skeletal muscles are strengthening as his bones harden. Plus, he's looking more like an adorable newborn and less like a beakless bird. Perfection.

So that's where we're at. He's as active as ever and just getting better and better. And I'm getting more and more anxious for Sullivan to be here...and for my body to get a little break. I'm looking forward to my appointment Friday since not only will Todd be here but I've been spotting a little and just want a professional to tell me it's nothing...which I'm sure it is.

And with that, Spencer has joined me in the big bed to start snoozing and I need to take advantage of that. He's only going to be my baby until Wednesday...and then he'll be a 1 year old little boy.

Sniff, sniff.

2 days until Spencer turns 1...and goes back to the Oncology clinic.
4 days until my next OB/GYN appointment.
21 days until school starts (math...ugh).
43 days until our 3rd wedding anniversary.
46 days until my last day at work.
49 days until the C-Section.

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