Monday, July 9, 2012

28 weeks: Closer & Closer To Meeting Mr. Sullivan

Sullivan is about 2.5 pounds, Today I am 28 weeks along in this pregnancy. 11 weeks from today, I'll be carved like a turkey and Sullivan will be here! He supports like as he is currently boxing my insides like the Ninja he is. My outsides at 28 weeks look like this:

Sullivan is about 2.5 pounds, 17 inches, and the size of a head of cauliflower, may have more forceful kicks (he's part Ninja, no doubt), and should be able to tell mine and Todd's voices apart. He's porking up and getting cuddly as he accumulates fat. I've still avoided any varicose veins or stretch marks, my belly button is in place, and I don't have that wacky black line.

I've made a list of what I need to pack for the delivery and I will do that when there's 5 weeks to go. I'm hoping that we'll get to paint the nursery this weekend and get the crib in place. Now that so many things on our checklist are being completed, I'm really looking forward to being able to kick back, relax, and enjoy the end of my very last pregnancy.

But NOTHING will make me enjoy this Hell-sent heartburn!

18 days until my next OB/GYN appointment.
27 days until Spencer's birthday party.
30 days until Spencer turns 1...and goes back to the Oncology clinic.
74 days until my last day at work.
77 days until the C-Section.

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