Sunday, July 8, 2012

Ultra Long Weekend: Part 2 / Happy Birthday Baby: Today You Are 11Months Old

Long blather ahead. You've been warned.

So I had a bit of a breakdown which I am blaming 100% on hormones. I was at my parent's house talking about a concern I have about Spencer. A silly little concern in the grand scheme of things that I've even talked to other people about. But when I opened my mouth, I choked on my words and cried. Ugh, I felt so bad. I don't want to make anyone else feel bad, especially when it's something small.

Hell, I can make it through the Oncology Clinic and the blood draws without tears. I'm even, dare I say, relaxed anymore because I'm a pro. But I worry about whether or not he'll have the dexterity or the know-how to feed himself his smash cake on his first birthday???

Yeah, he knows what to do with cake. I wasted tears.

Around me, people's kids are turning 1. They're sitting up, crawling, standing walking and it's taking Spencer a little time. We knew this could happen. But he's motivated and amazing and I REFUSE to be sad about Spencer. It was a slip. It was hormones. And just to show me there's nothing to be sad about, Spencer started to army crawl a little over the long weekend. Yeah, I wasted tears.


The rest of the long weekend was spent doing home projects for Spencer's birthday. We wouldn't have made it out alive with my parents and nephews. I'm not sweating bullets like I have been about the party, even with only 3 weekends to prep left. Everything is coming together. Especially outside thanks to 8 yards of black mulch and a bunch of awesome fellas (my husband included) who spent 97 degree weather...and today digging, shoveling, and slaving away. Castle Grayskull is on it's way to be party-central! And post-party, we'll be able to just relax before Sullivan joins the clan. A nice, organized, renovated home to chill in for a few weeks. We've really made our house a home...but couldn't have without the help.

Sullivan's crib bedding is on the way. AND I ordered the first prints for his nursery, Sullivan Forrest. A fox and a hare, with a plethora of others to come. All his clothes up to 6 months are washed, dried, and on hangers. I'm nesting. It's calming.

But that's pretty much all my ultra long weekend entailed. The 4th of July and a whoooooooole lotta housework and Spencer time. Work in the morning might feel like a break.

But I did make a pretty big life decision with the input/support of my parents and husband. I'm going to wait a few days before I spill the beans. I want to make sure I feel secure and that I have my ducks in a row. But I feel good about it. I feel like good things are ahead. So no more crying.

Only tears of JOY since my baby boy is 11 months today!

11 month old Spencer...

-Loves his daddy! Big time! He gets very excited when he hears his car keys after work. But he still needs mommy when the going gets tough.

-But NOT as excited as he gets when he hears the theme song to Modern Family. It's surpassed Conan as his favorite.

-He's starting to army crawl, as I've stated. He's got places to go and he knows it. Still working on sitting up unassisted though.

-He likes chocolate. He is definitely my son.

-He's still happy as a clam in the swimming pool. He also doesn't even mind being in the heat too much. He likes the outdoors. In that respect, he's his father's son.

-Still really into textures. One of his new favorites is Owlito, his uber-soft owl from Salt Fork who is chilly and silky.

-His method of kissing involves opening his mouth and just pressing it against your cheek. It's gross and awesome at the same time.

I love you, my gross and awesome 11 month old!

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