Monday, October 22, 2012

Inside My Mind: A Cluttered Mess, Indeed

My baby boy is going to be 1 month old on Wednesday and it's blowing my mind. Time is flying at warp speed and I don't like it. Officially, I have 11 weeks left of my maternity leave and during that time, we'll hit Halloween, Turkey Day, X-Mas festivities, and New Years. Sounds like a long time. But I have no doubt I'll blink my eyes and this special bonding time with my baby will be over. I'll be back behind my desk, turn 34, start nursing school, finish nursing school, nurse-it-up, and before you know it, my boys will be GROWN! Arrrrrrgggghhhh!

I have to turn my brain off.


I got an A on my first midterm since I started back to school. Feels pretty good, I have to admit. My current standing in the class is an A and I want to keep it that way. I REALLY want to graduate with some sort of honors. That's my goal. I registered for my last pre-req classes (Intermediate Algebra and Biological Chemistry) yesterday. 2 classes, though both online, working and being Mommy may sound rough but I really wanted the summer off to spend with my kids.

So that was decision #1. Decision #2, I have to decide which nursing school I would like to go to. I'm only considering school with Accelerated (see decision #3) BSN programs so that narrows it to CSU, Akron, Kent (my alma mater), BW, Case, and Ursuline. This choice goes hand-in-hand with decision #3. Do I go for the regular old generic track or do I go for the accelerated, in which I would be a nurse in 12-18 months, depending on the program? If I go accelerated, I would most likely have to quit working because this is a full time gig. And decision 4, which is a ways off, revolves around where I'd like to try to work and what kind of nurse I'd like to be (currently leaning towards something to do with OB). Oh! Then there's super secret decision #5, still under wraps!

Lots and lots and lots to think about.

But still, even though it's 11 weeks away, I'm dreading going back to work. I like my job. I like a majority of the people. I like working for my dad. But I like my kids more. I know being in their faces 24/7 isn't good for them, especially Spencer who needs socialization and loves being around the kids at the sitter's. But I'd be lying if I said I didn't envy stay-at-home parents. But I need socialization, too. Adult stimulation (sounds personal).

I've had several opportunities to go out and take a break recently. There's been 2 shows, parties, etc. but I'm just not feeling it. Todd had been pushing for me to go do something fun for myself but I'm too tired. Too out of it. Too guilty to leave them. Being at home with my kids, cooking, doing school stuff, making our house more homey is where it's at. I do plan on having some mommy gal pals and their male-counterparts over Once all 3 of us are healed. And I'm hoping to schedule a cocktailing date with Bizzle soon.

But I think my 1st big post-baby, adult outing will be the Food Show! It's our yearly tradition and this year we've got company in the form of Tom and Carol! Todd and I always have the best time and having such good pals there will make it even better. I don't feel bad about being a homebody until then.

Halloween will break up the waiting period. Gotta start working on the boys' costumes!!!


  1. My mom went to Ursuline for her art degree, so I'm biased :) Whatever you decide though, I'm sure you will be great at it!

    I don't have kids and even I'm not so much into going out like I used to go out. I still like seeing shows, but I've missed a few that I swore I was going to go to, and it was fine. I'm pretty psyched for 1. Halloween 2. The Food Show

    THE FOOD SHOW! With the Ganserts!!! It's our first time, you'll have to show us the ropes!

  2. It's SO FUN. Tons of sample, celebrity chefs, beer, and the alcohol tasting pavilion! Nothing like sampling beer out of a wine glass!!! I'm so glad you guys are going. It's going to be a blast.

  3. The good news for prospective nursing students is that a nurses salary is on the rise right now, and the potential for advancement and higher earnings throughout a career is huge. For further information visit great info.
